What is ERC-1155?
A smart contract multi-token standard for : fungible tokens (ERC-20) & NFTs...
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A smart contract multi-token standard for : fungible tokens (ERC-20) & NFTs...
A smart contract multi-token standard for:
ERC-721 tokens are good at identifying one type of object.
For example, balances are based on the entire contract for all tokenId values:
For example, balances are isolated based on unique tokenId values:
ERC-1155 tokens are good at identifying multiple objects.
You can bulk transfer ERC-1155 tokens based on tokenId and quantity by calling:
safeBatchTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] amounts, bytes data)
OpenZeppelin contracts:
are safety inheritance contracts. A contract must inherit these contracts to accept tokens being transferred to them.
However, ERC-20 tokens do not have a safety inheritance holder contract.
When transferring tokens to contracts, call smart contract functions that have “transferFrom()” behavior. It is recommended to only send tokens directly to a contract on test networks, otherwise, you risk accidentally burning your tokens.
Here is how to mint and burn ERC-1155 tokens:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Holder.sol";
error invalidFruitIdNumber();
contract FruitStore is ERC1155 { //ERC1155 cannot also be a ERC1155Holder for having tokens ERC1155 tokens sent to it.
uint public constant Raspberry = 0; // "constant" and "immutable" variables don't use storage slots, which saves gas.
uint public constant Watermelon = 1; // "constant" variables can never change.
uint public constant Blueberry = 2;
uint public constant Avacado = 3;
uint public constant Guava = 4;
uint public constant Pitaya = 5;
uint public constant Apple = 6;
uint public constant Banana = 7;
uint public immutable ExtraFruitId; //"immutable" can only be changed in the constructor.
constructor(uint extraFruitIdPick) ERC1155("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{name}") { //When using safeTransferFrom, have data as 0x00.
if(extraFruitIdPick > 7) { revert invalidFruitIdNumber(); } //Don't check for negative since uint must be 0 or positive.
ExtraFruitId = extraFruitIdPick; //"immutable" can only be changed in the constructor.
_mint(msg.sender, Raspberry, 100*(1 ether), ""); //To send tokens from wallet to wallet, send the following Tx to this contract: "setApprovalForAll(walletToSendTo,true)".
_mint(msg.sender, Watermelon, 100*(1 ether), ""); //Then you can transfer tokens with: "safeTransferFrom(fromAddress,toAddress,id,amount,0x00)".
_mint(msg.sender, Blueberry, 100*(1 ether), ""); //Smart contracts must inherit "ERC1155Holder.sol" to receive ERC1155 tokens.
_mint(msg.sender, Avacado, 100*(1 ether), "");
_mint(msg.sender, Guava, 100*(1 ether), "");
_mint(msg.sender, Pitaya, 100*(1 ether), "");
_mint(msg.sender, Apple, 100*(1 ether), "");
_mint(msg.sender, Banana, 100*(1 ether), "");
_mint(msg.sender, ExtraFruitId, 100*(1 ether), "");
contract BurnTokensERC1155 is ERC1155Holder {} //Tokens sent to this contract will