"Unlike Web2 marketing’s reliance on paid ads and top-down communication, Web3 revolves around decentralization, with a focus on community-driven growth, transparent practices, and innovative...
Kelsey McGuire (Op-Ed)
"For any Web3 project aiming to succeed, investing in Developer Relations is not just an option—it’s a strategic...
Chris Chabot (Op-Ed)
Crypto Reporter
Chris Chabot, VP of Developer Relations at Shardeum, remarked, “Surpassing 7 million transactions in such a short span is a clear demonstration of Shardeum’s robust scalability and the strong...
Crypto Reporter PR
Bitcoin World
"Our focus on sustainability through a less energy-intensive consensus mechanism and our community-driven development approach further distinguish us. We prioritize user and developer experience,...
Keshav Aggarwal
Shardeum, an autoscaling layer-1 blockchain, has announced the launch of Stage 1 of its incentivized testnet, Atomium. It will commence on June 26,...
Harsh Notariya
Coin Telegraph
Kelsey McGuire, chief growth officer for layer 1 network Shardeum, told Cointelegraph that layer 2s face another serious challenge that is often overlooked: centralization. “While layer-2 solutions...
Tom Blackstone
Nischal Shetty, a software engineer who embarked on an entrepreneurial journey, introduced the layer 1 blockchain network Shardeum in February 2022. Shardeum claims to be a pioneering, linearly...
Bibhu Pattnaik
Shardeum recently raised $5.4 million in strategic funding. The layer 1 blockchain was co-created by Nischal Shetty, who is also the co-founder of WazirX, India's largest crypto exchange by trading...
Stay updated on major developments about Shardeum.