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Transactions in Blockchain


What are Transaction Fees in Blockchain?

Learn about the role and calculation of transaction fees in blockchain networks. Discover how these fees ensure network efficiency, security, and...


Cryptocurrency For Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Transactions: Steps, [...]

Discover the step-by-step process of using cryptocurrency for peer-to-peer transactions. Understand its workings, advantages, challenges, and how to safely engage in P2P cryptocurrency...


What is a Gas Limit, and What is its Purpose?

Gas limit is the pricing value required to conduct a transaction on the blockchain platform. In this guide, learn more about what is a gas limit in...


What is a Blockchain Transaction?

Blockchain transaction is a record of value transfer or smart contract execution on a decentralized network stored in a block. Learn more about what is a blockchain...


Understanding Peer-to-Peer Payments

Peer-to-peer payments allow a user to transfer funds from his account to another individual's account via the digital medium. Learn what are peer to peer...


What are Gas Fees? A Complete Guide

Gas fees are payments on Ethereum for transaction processing and smart contract execution, ensuring network reliability and security. Read on to know...