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GraphQL and Subgraph Capabilities are Live on Shardeum

GraphQL and Subgraph Capabilities are Live on Shardeum

GraphQL and subgraph capabilities are live on Shardeum simplifying data querying, accessibility, and developer experience on the...

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If you haven’t yet heard, we’re thrilled to share that Shardeum has integrated GraphQL, a revolutionary protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). Developers will now be able to leverage these functionalities on our upcoming Atomium Incentivized Testnet (ITN) and the Shardeum Mainnet.

More specifically with this integration, we’re rolling out several new features, including but not limited to: firstly, the addition of the Firehose protocol via Shardeum’s RPC, granting developers access to subgraphs. Secondly, we’re integrating GraphQL to enable subgraph querying. We are also introducing the ability to perform subqueries and nested queries, thereby significantly enriching the depth and flexibility to how data is queried on Shardeum. This leap forward promises to empower developers with unprecedented querying capabilities, enabling the construction of more sophisticated and responsive decentralized applications (dApps).

Now, before we embark on this exhilarating journey of benefits, let’s first dive into the basics of indexing and querying and then proceed to understand how GraphQL and subgraph functionalities are crucial in efficient data management/retrieval on blockchains.

How Indexing and Querying Powers Digital Data Management

These two powerhouse processes are the unsung heroes that make navigating the vast ocean of digital information possible. Imagine searching the internet without Google or other search engines to guide you. Indexing and querying prevent us from getting lost in the online wilderness by efficiently managing and retrieving data. Just as a GPS system guides you to your destination by the most efficient route, indexing and querying serve as the navigational tools of the digital world. They organize vast amounts of digital data, ensuring you can swiftly find the websites, videos, or online services you’re searching for, much like pinpointing a location on a map among countless streets and destinations.

There are quite a few decentralized indexing protocols such as The Graph protocol, SubQuery Network, among others for querying blockchain and DLTs data. It can be thought of as fulfilling many of the functions of Google, albeit in a decentralized way and for distributed ledger data. This grants users the power to search and secure information swiftly and smoothly from various blockchains and other types of ledgers. At its core are subgraphs, which are open APIs that developers can craft to index specific data on blockchains and DLTs. Subgraphs guide users on their journey to find structured and accessible data across the expansive universe of Web3. Let’s take a more detailed look into the subgraphs.

What is Subgraph in Blockchain?

A subgraph is like a customized search engine for ledger data. It’s a smart way to organize and retrieve information from complex blockchains and DLTs. Developers create subgraphs to specify exactly what kind of data they want to access, like transactions, user accounts, or token movements. The subgraph then collects, organizes, and updates this data in a user-friendly format.

Envision each subgraph as a tailor-made map for your exploration in the Web3 universe. Instead of highlighting cities and roads, this map illuminates the specific data trails you want to follow within the digital landscape of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs). Much like a navigation app that offers the most direct routes to your chosen destinations, subgraphs efficiently direct your quest through the intricate networks of DLTs, ensuring you discover precisely the data you’re searching for, bypassing irrelevant information. As subgraphs chart our course through the complex data ecosystem of Web3, let’s shift our focus to the sophisticated navigator that interprets these maps with precision: GraphQL

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries by using a type system you define for your data. Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL allow clients to request exactly the data they need, making it more efficient. GraphQL is a well known language that facilitates querying of subgraphs. Here’s how it works:

Subgraphs: As mentioned, a subgraph defines how DLT data is organized and how it can be accessed. Developers create subgraphs to index specific data from networks, making it easier for applications to query just the data they need.

GraphQL Role: GraphQL is a query language that enables these precise and efficient data queries. When a subgraph is created, it includes a GraphQL API. This API allows applications and users to retrieve exactly the data they’re interested in from the network, using GraphQL queries.

Efficient Data Retrieval: Instead of getting large, unfiltered amounts of network data, GraphQL allows for specifying exactly what data is needed. This reduces unnecessary data transfer and processing, making applications more efficient and responsive.

Shardeum’s Integration of GraphQL and Subgraph

The Shardeum development team’s achievement of integrating subgraph and GraphQL support illustrates a significant advancement in the network’s capabilities. Firstly, let’s break down the components of implementing Firehose to the Shardeum RPC in order to understand the wider benefits.

Firehose: It’s a blockchain data streaming service. By implementing Firehose into the Shardeum Remote Procedure Call (RPC), the team has enabled more efficient data streaming and querying capabilities.

Shardeum RPC: RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol that allows for requests and responses between a client and a server. In the context of Shardeum, it means enabling external applications to communicate with the Shardeum blockchain.

Benefits of GraphQL, Subgraph, and Firehose on Shardeum

So, what are the benefits of integrating Firehose support, GraphQL and support for subgraphs for Shardeum and developers building on the network? Let’s find out!

  • Enhanced Data Querying and Processing: The integration of Firehose and support for subgraphs translates into more powerful and efficient data querying capabilities. Developers can access, query, and utilize data on Shardeum more effectively.
  • Optimized Performance: Implementing these features improves the overall performance of the Shardeum network. It allows for quicker and more reliable data access and retrieval.
  • Attracting Developers and Partners: By providing advanced tools and features such as GraphQL, Firehose and subgraph support, Shardeum becomes a more attractive platform for developers and potential partners. This can lead to more innovative applications and collaborations within the ecosystem.

Beyond the aforementioned benefits, what benefits does this integration bring to the wider ecosystem of Shardeum’s smart contract platform?

Benefits for Shardeum Ecosystem

  1. Precision Meets Simplicity: 🎯 At the heart of Shardeum’s evolution lies a refined approach to data access and management. The integrations enable exact data queries and processing, reducing overhead and simplifying data management. This efficiency fosters dynamic, responsive dApp development with a focus on core functionality and user experience.
  2. Performance Redefined:⚑️ Streamlines data access and manipulation, optimizing Shardeum’s performance for high reliability and throughput. The scalable infrastructure ensures seamless dApp scaling, accommodating growing data demands without performance compromise.
  3. A Beacon for Innovation:πŸ’‘ Shardeum’s adoption of avant-garde technologies serves as a lodestar for a community brimming with inventive developers and forward-thinking partners. The platform emerges as a fertile ground for groundbreaking applications and synergistic collaborations, heralding a new era of digital exploration.
  4. The Pulse of Real-Time Updates: πŸ’¬ The capability to integrate real-time data updates catalyzes the creation of dApps that engage users like never before, from trading platforms that move at the speed of light to social networks that pulse with the latest interactions. 
  5. Reduced Costs: ???? Reduces operational costs through precise data fetching, making dApp development and maintenance more economically viable.πŸ†
  6. Fortifying Digital Trust:πŸ”’ With enhanced security measures that limit data exposure, Shardeum fortifies the trust in its digital fortress, ensuring that applications remain resilient against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.
  7. Cultivating Developer Delight: πŸ› οΈ Offers a familiar and developer-friendly environment with GraphQL, speeding up the development cycle and encouraging innovation on the Shardeum platform.
  8. The Dawning of a Unified Ecosystem: 🌐 Encourages cross-chain interoperability and user-friendly application development, accelerating wider Web3 adoption.
  9. Community and Collaboration: πŸ‘₯ The fusion of GraphQL, Firehose, and Subgraphs doesn’t just enhance technical capabilities but also knits a closer community of developers, equipped with a rich tapestry of tools, libraries, and collective wisdom, ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.


In conclusion, the integration of Shardeum with GraphQL and subgraphs is a game-changer that benefits a wide spectrum of stakeholders. It promotes data accessibility, speed, and efficiency for developers and users alike. Additionally, it fosters cross-platform interactions, scalability, and decentralization, all while nurturing community growth and collaboration. This capability signifies the continuous evolution of decentralized technologies and its potential to revolutionize various industries. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting integrations. Together, let’s weave a web of infinite possibilities!✨

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