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Mint an NFT on Shardeum using IPFS and Filecoin

Mint an NFT on Shardeum using IPFS and Filecoin

IPFS and Filecoin together are used for the decentralized storage for large data...

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Decentralized Content-Based Storage

IPFS and Filecoin together are used for the decentralized storage for large data files.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a file-sharing protocol.

On IPFS, data is accessed based on a:

  CID (Content Identifier)

In contrast, HTTPS data is accessed based on a location with a:

  Network IP Address (OSI Layer 3)
Session Port (OSI Layer 5)

Storage space is competitive on IPFS. You can pin your data and have others pin your data. However, if all pins go down for that data, that data will not be stored anymore on IPFS.

Filecoin is used to keep IPFS content active for simplicity.

How to Upload to IPFS?

Easily write to IPFS using Fleek:

How to Download from IPFS?

In the Brave Web Browser, search for this IPFS CID URL:


Mint an NFT on Shardeum using IPFS and Filecoin

Mint NFT with Shardeum logo using ERC-721 imported OpenZeppelin library.

Note: put the IPFS CID:


instead of the IPFS gateway URL:

since gateways can go down.

  • Solidity
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol";

contract ShardeumLogoNFT is ERC721URIStorage {

  constructor() ERC721 ("shardeumLogo", "SL"){
    _safeMint(msg.sender, 1); //Mint NFT with tokenId = 1.
    _setTokenURI(1, "bafybeib6zcl5v5ojxkvmxnvpqrypq5yakmu2fd6y6wc3xo4n66pjelu7yq"); //For tokenId = 1, set IPFS CID for image data.


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