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Shardeum June’23 Updates

Hello Shardeum Fam!

Hope you had an exciting month of June! 😊✨

Q2’23 was great for Shardeum!

We made some flurry of outstanding advancements with Shardeum ‘Sphinx’, completed our Strategic Round, and now have close to a Million (yep, that’s right!) community members supporting our vision of a decentralized future!

Here’s how June month looked like for us at Shardeum ⤵️

Diving deeper into the details, we have 👉

Sphinx Dappnet – A parallel network for Devs!

Shardeum Sphinx network was launched on 2nd Feb’23 by our co-founders Nischal Shetty and Omar Syed, where the Public Demo of Sphinx was watched by over 2.5K people live!

We now have launched a new, parallel testnet dedicated to developers and the community called ‘Sphinx Dapp’ in addition to the existing Sphinx Testnet for validators.

This will enable devs to deploy their dApps on a more stable network without losing any momentum while our team debugs and stabilizes the Sphinx Validator Testnet.

It is a significant move towards accelerating the onboarding of new dApps within the Shardeum ecosystem.

Sphinx Dapp has been receiving massive support from the ecosystem. Within 7 days of the launch, we have over 157k transactions, more than 15k accounts, and 2k+ contracts!

The following dApps have already been deployed, give them a try! 👉

Shardeum X Swapped Finance    Shardeum X IceCream Swap  Shardeum X Chainhash

Shardeum X TowerSwap  Shardeum X Bandit   Shardeum X DotSHM   Shardeum X NFTs2me

Shardeum across the Globe

Shardeum Team would be present at ethCC Paris 🇫🇷 and we are also organizing an event on 19th July in partnership with Axelar, Jsquare, and DFG. We would love to catch up with you and meet you in person if you are there ✨

Our Co-founder Nischal Shetty would be speaking at Asia’s Leading Web3 Conference – WebX Asia this month, to share the vision of Shardeum to enable decentralization for everyone!

Community, Growth & Traction

  1. Shardeum Discord crossed 500,000+ members this month, making us the fastest-growing L1 in the world! It’s the community that pushes Shardeum adoption every day!

(Image credits – ShardeumIND)

Our following on Twitter is near to ~200k members at the moment, the fastest in India and our community on Telegram now stands at more than 40k!

Until now, we have completed over 170 Proof of Community events and in June we organized 12 events across 2 countries with over 550 participants **joining us in building the future of decentralization!

We organized Proof Of Community VC edition event in Bangalore, and it turned out to be the largest event that we organized in Bangalore with over 85 attendees! Read more about the event here👉

We launched #AskADevelper Program, aimed to understand the decentralized world of finance, social, storage, and more!

Partnerships & Collaborations

  1. 150+ projects are in the Shardeum ecosystem currently. This includes products that are live on Shardeum today or have agreed to support Shardeum and will be live soon.
  2. We recently launched Shardeum Sphinx Dapp and projects have already started deploying on that network.
  3. To expand our ecosystem, this month we have partnered with GuardianLink(Jump.Trade), IceCream SwapCoinPost, Lync(instant on-chain Game Development), Dfyn Network, TowerSwap, Hyperlane, and NFTs2me.
  4. Our partner Learnweb3 DAO recently launched a mini-course on understanding the basics of sharding, and features of Shardeum & completing a quiz to win rewards!

5. A number of wallets now support testnet $SHM, try now 👉

Shardeum – what people are saying about us?

Shardeum has gained popularity among blockchain enthusiasts as one of the fastest-growing L1 testnet in the world!

With each new version, the network is becoming more stable and efficient.

Shardeum’s co-founder Nischal Shetty recently interacted with Forbes India and discussed Shardeum’s mission and the need for a scalable blockchain.

We partnered with Zeeve– a leading web3 infrastructure provider, to significantly simplify the deployment process and increase participation in the Sphinx Betanet.

Shardeum was covered in Financial Express, a leading media channel in India to discuss the importance of linear scalability in web3.0 space.

Tune into this podcast where our co-founder Nischal Shetty talks to Rising Capital about his journey and unveils how Shardeum shaped up from the idea to the latest advancements.

Join forces and help us build Shardeum!

Shardeum is home to several researchers, engineers, content creators, designers, digital marketers, and Web3 enthusiasts. They are in charge of bringing a high level of decentralization to billions of people for a more equitable society.

We would love your support in Shardeum’s ecosystem growth. If you are looking to build an application from social to DEX to any category, consider deploying your project on Shardeum


👉 Shardeum Quickstart

Whether one works in tech or not, everyone can run a Shardeum node to help us build the future of decentralization! 👉 How to run a node?

Shardeum is hiring for new roles such as DevRels, DevOps Engineer, Finance analysts, and more! Check out our current Job Openings for more 👉

That’s it for this month!

July is going to be the month of attending key conferences, representing Shardeum across the globe, and some solid progress on the Shardeum Sphinx side which we cannot wait to share. 😊

Do reach out to [email protected] in case of any doubts or discussions.