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Scalability in Blockchain


Transactions Per Second (TPS) in Blockchain Explained

Unlock the secrets of blockchain speed: Discover how Transactions Per Second (TPS) impacts network performance and scalability in our in-depth...


What is Latency & How to Improve it?

Latency is an expression of how much time it takes for a data packet to travel from one designated point to another. Learn more about what is latency in...


What are Sidechains? – A Detailed Guide

Sidechains are independent chains that work adjacent to a parent blockchain, also called a mainnet. Learn more about what are sidechains in...


Autoscaling in Blockchain: Streamlining Performance and [...]

Autoscaling in blockchain helps with monitoring applications & adjusting the capacity independently to keep the operational and transactional cost of network low and...


Throughput vs Bandwidth: The Keys to Network Efficiency

Throughput is the actual data transfer rate, while bandwidth is the maximum capacity or speed of a network connection. Learn how they affect network performance and internet...


Understanding Latency and Throughput in Embedded, Computer, [...]

Understand the critical roles of latency and throughput in embedded, computer and blockchain networks. Learn how they impact network...


What is Blockchain Scalability? A Deep Dive Guide

Blockchain scalability is the ability of a blockchain network to handle a growing number of transactions. Know more about what is blockchain...


What are the Types of Sharding in Blockchain?

Sharding is a method for dividing up a single dataset into many databases, which can then be kept on working sites. Read what are sharding types in this...