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Top EVM Compatible Frameworks To Build DApps

Top EVM Compatible Frameworks To Build DApps

EVM-compatible frameworks enable smart contract deployment on the EVM, fostering decentralized applications. Learn more about top EVM-compatible...

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You must have come across the word DApp multiple times but have you wondered what is a DApp? Google, Twitter, and Facebook run on systems built and operated by centralized entities in the form of companies. These applications run on a centralized server. This gives organizations complete control over applications and the associated functionality.

DApps (decentralized applications) are very similar in their work, except that the application is built on the blockchain and imbibes most of its features. Interaction with the blockchain networks happens through the application. DApps are built usually via frameworks, and EVM-compatible frameworks are developer-friendly for DApp builders.  

DApps run on peer-to-peer transactions and blockchain networks instead of central servers. DApps are powered by blockchain, which explains why they are different from other apps and maybe better.

In short, a decentralized application (DApp) is an application that is built on a decentralized network that basically combines a smart contract and a front-end user interface. Now that you know what is a DApp, let’s discuss DApps further. 

What DApp Frameworks Have To Offer?

Like front-end frameworks, DApp frameworks are pieces of code written for software development, helping to facilitate the creation of blockchain applications. Although using frameworks is not necessary, it helps to develop software better and faster as it requires a much-needed testing environment before you launch the product. They are less vulnerable to cyber-attacks and cannot be shut down as there is no central server, and all servers are distributed across the network of nodes. If one distributed server is compromised, others will become aware. They have the ability to run a local blockchain node for testing and development proposals. They have tools to compile your solidity code into bytecode. They also offer multiple environments and comprehensive development tools for developing both blockchain and client-side functionality. Easy integration with IPFS (decentralized storage) can also be done to store large files off-chain. Finally, they have tools for validating and publishing smart contracts’ source code.

What Happens If You Don’t Want To Use A Framework?

You can still develop DApps from scratch (without the toolkit provided by the framework). Still, you’ll have to handle a lot of complexity, create a lot of boilerplate code, integrate tools, plugins, configuration files, set up test frameworks, and so on. In order to save time and still have fun, you should use a framework.

Main Challenges When Developing DApps

We already discussed what is a DApp. It is challenging to manage and fix problems in decentralized systems after deployment. The lack of appropriate development and testing tools greatly increases programming errors. It involves real money, minting smart contract codes, trading, and burning tokens, and your app is exposed to hacks and attacks. You also have to manage multiple environments, keep fine-tuning and upgrading your underlying codes for a good UX/UI.

Why DApps Are Key To Future Technology?

Industry Experts expect a steady growth of decentralized applications and their popularity. It will lead to more transparency and privacy on the web. DApps have established their place as indispensable tools and paved the way for further growth and development. DApps are expected to become more mainstream in the future as more investors jump in to take advantage of the efficiency of such platforms.

What does this mean for the investors and the average internet user? It’s similar to the early days of cryptocurrency. Volatility can be expected in the market, but the technology is robust and has real potential.

Types Of DApps

Based on the blockchain model that uses leverage, decentralized applications can be divided into three categories:

Type 1:

These DApps have their own blockchain, such as Bitcoin. Other alternative cryptocurrencies with their own blockchain also fall into this category.

Type 2:

This DApps make use of the protocols of type 1 applications largely. The Omni Protocol is one of the best examples of Type 2 applications.

Type 3:

Type 3 DApps use the Type 2 application protocol. The SAFE (Secure Access for Everyone) network is an example of a Type 3 DApp.

DEFI Financial DApps

DEFI Financial DApps
Source | Defi Apps are financial DApps

DeFi stands for Decentralized Finance, a term for various financial services using cryptocurrencies on the blockchain. The goal of DeFi is to disrupt traditional financial services by limiting our financial intermediaries. Simply put, DeFi DApps aim to cut out middlemen from everyday financial transactions and give people more power over their finances.

Blockchain technology and, more specifically, smart contract applications (DApps) on Ethereum have made DeFi a reality. This is possible because blockchain allows multiple entities to hold a copy of historical transactions, meaning that no single centralized source controls it, preventing single points of failure.

Best EVM Compatible Frameworks To Build DApps


Truffle is probably the most popular framework. Originally built for Ethereum, you can use it to develop any EVM-compatible DApp. Almost every EVM-compatible blockchain tutorial (Avalanche, Ethereum, Polygon, etc.) uses Truffle to guide you through each step of creating a DApp.


Hardhat is another popular framework for developing smart contracts for Ethereum and EVM-compatible blockchains that shares many similarities with Truffle, albeit with its fair share of differences and complexities.

Blockchain Development With DApps

Digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts are central to decentralized applications (DApps) because they are deployed on the blockchain. However, in order to interact with these on-chain components, transactions must be created on the blockchain. In order for a user or off-chain software to create a transaction on the blockchain, a node must forward the transaction to the underlying peer-to-peer (P2P) network.

Web3.js allows programmers to interact with these on-chain components by facilitating connections to Ethereum nodes using HTTP or IPC connections. It can be used to connect to the Ethereum network through any Ethereum node that allows HTTP access. This can be a local node, a node hosted by a DApp provider, or public gateways that run free Ethereum access points.

The Top Blockchain Development Frameworks For 2022

1. Hyperledger

Hyperledger, founded by the Linux Foundation, is an open-source community. The code is hosted on GitHub. The main areas covered by the project include finance, supply chains, and the Internet of Things (IoT). It is a blockchain largely designed for enterprise use cases.

2. Corda

Created by the R3 consortium, Corda was originally designed for financial institutions. The purpose was to synchronize, manage and control financial obligations between different organizations, thereby reducing transaction and record-keeping costs. The framework has since been expanded to include insurance, healthcare, and digital assets.

3. Exonum

Exonum, created by the Bitfury Group, is an open-source framework built in Rust, a programming language of the relatively recent invention with a focus on security.

4. Ethereum

Ethereum is more accurately described as a blockchain platform than a blockchain framework. A feature of Ethereum is the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which allows developers to create decentralized applications (DApps) that run on Ethereum.


DApps are gaining popularity among many developers since they offer more functionality and benefits than centralized applications. It is a good time for everyone now to dip their toe in the water. Get an idea of ​​DApps and how they work. You never know, you just might stumble upon another bitcoin in the process.

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